OCA has a large (8560 sq. ft), facility located at 1717 Lomas Blvd. NE on the University of New Mexico’s North Campus. The majority of our facility is dedicated to a spacious laboratory with both artifact and equipment storage. The organization of the laboratory is specifically tailored to the needs of data recovery projects, including numerous artifact sorting, cleaning, and analysis work areas; flotation sample storage and processing areas; and a studio for photographing artifacts. In addition to a 5000+ volume library and a conference room for meetings and presentations, the OCA facility also contains workstations to support up to 15 individual laboratory analysts.

Secure yard for OCA field vehicles

OCA field tools storage
Field Equipment, Vehicles, Lab Equipment, Office Equipment
OCA owns a wide range of equipment and vehicles necessary for fielding several large projects simultaneously in survey, excavation, and related operations. Included in our inventory are all of the necessary cameras, total stations, sub-meter GPS units, compasses, screens, and the full range of hand tools and personal equipment necessary to undertake projects. We also have a number of more specialized items, such as tree-ring and archeomagnetic sampling kits.
OCA owns a variety of 4WD field vehicles and a 15-passernger van. We also have immediate access to the UNM automotive fleet for short-term rentals, access to 4WD vehicles maintained by the Departments of Geology and Biology, and open purchase orders for off-campus vehicle rentals as needed.
Laboratory facilities include sinks, ample working and storage space for large-scale artifact processing and analysis, and a full range of basic analysis equipment, including binocular and petrographic microscopes, triple-beam and digital balances, flotation devices, digital calipers, and microphotography equipment.
OCA has all of the necessary hardware, software, and staff experience to carry out all computer-related tasks. Our extensive array of in-house software and hardware gives us capability for a wide range of computing projects. We are able to manage and undertake the various data management, analysis, graphic display, cartographic, and report production tasks associated with cultural resource management contracts. We have the flexibility to tailor our system to the requirements of each project.