Private Sector Clients

Oil & Gas Pipelines

Major survey and excavation projects have been performed by the Office of Contract Archeology to secure archaeological clearance for oil and gas pipelines. These projects are typically very involved and require large crews, efficient data collection, and the rapid reporting of results. These pipeline projects include:

  • Mid-America Pipeline Western Expansion Project III for Enterprise Products Operating LP
  • Transwestern Pipeline Expansion Project conducted for Transwestern Pipeline Company
  • Mid-America Pipeline conducted for the Mid-America Pipeline Company
  • Cortez CO2 Pipeline conducted for Woodward-Clyde Consultants
  • Mid-America Pipeline Western Expansion Loop conducted for Enterprise Products Operating LP
  • Bravo CO2 Pipeline conducted for AMOCO Production Company and Bravo Company
  • Continental Divide Pipeline conducted for Continental Divide Pipeline Company
  • Chevron Pipeline conducted for Chevron Pipeline Company

Powerlines & Communications Facilities

OCA has performed numerous archaeological survey and monitoring projects for the installation or upgrade of powerlines and fiber optic cables. Additionally, OCA has provided support to clients constructing cellular and radio towers, radio telescopes, and other communications equipment. Some of these clients include:

  • Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative, Inc.
  • Sierra Electric Cooperative of Truth or Consequences, NM
  • Superior Renewable Energy
  • Caprock Communications
  • Miller Environmental, Inc.
  • University of New Mexico Department of Physics & Astronomy

Land Planning & Development

OCA projects conducted for clients working in land development commonly involve pre-construction archaeological survey and, if necessary, data recovery on state or privately owned land. This work is intended to ensure that cultural resources will not be damaged or destroyed during the proposed construction. OCA has provided archaeological services to various land planning and development clients, including:

  • High Mesa General Partnership
  • KGA Development
  • Santa Fe Canyon Ranch LLC
  • Maestas and Associates
  • Construction Analysis and Management, Inc.
  • Safe-Waste, Inc.
  • Mining

    OCA helps mining companies gain regulatory approval for their hard rock, sand, and gravel mining, reclamation, and restoration operations. These projects often include archaeological survey to assess the potential impacts of mining operations on cultural resources. Some of our previous clients in this sector include:

    • Salt River Project
    • Carbon Coal Company
    • Mineris Vitae, LLC